Baby Showers

Every expecting mum looks forward to her baby shower nearly as much as the day she holds her Bub for the very first time.

A baby shower is a time to gather and celebrate the forthcoming birth of a new baby.

The mum-to-be and the baby-to-be are the focal point of these parties.

Traditionally, a baby shower event is most traditional way in which your friends and family come together to express their joy at your pregnancy.

It's a time for loved ones to share with the expectant parents and to “shower” them with gifts, love, and good wishes before the birth of their baby.

A baby shower can be as simple or extravagant an affair as you want it to be.

They can involve games and activities, or they can be much more organic and low-key.

It totally depends on the desires of the mum-to-be and we can help make it an unforgettable day in her life.

Other services we provide include;